102: Formulation and Publication of Rules

Program 102 / Episode 2

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The system of discipline depends upon a code of action.
Shop rules of conduct derive from three sources: Common sense, negotiation and promulgation.
Certain kinds of conduct are prohibited even without rules.
Rules relating to the peculiarities of the business must be spelled out.
Most often Management promulgates the rules unilaterally; however, rules may be negotiated.
Mechanics of Operation of Plant Conduct Rules
Management seeks to set forth rules, but not in too detailed a fashion.
Rules are a living code of conduct which are subject to both business and cultural change.
Rules frequently have a particular assigned penalty.
Absenteeism is a peculiar area which is subject to its own particular rule criteria because penalties are meted out based upon offense repetition.

Additional information


Three member panel discussion


59 Minutes


M. David Keefe, Labor Arbitrator, Founder of LMDSI

Management's View

Malcolm Denise, former V.P. for Labor Relations, Ford Motor Company

Labor’s View

Raymond Shetterly, former Director of the Arbitration Services Dept., UAW